
Drawn with pencil, inked and colored in Painter, tweaked in Photoshop

Kurenai, the main character from the game Red Ninja: End of Honor, a game hated by most people. Why? Because, despite the facts that the game is very nice looking (something which the screenshots on the back of the game package do not convey AT ALL), has a decent story and a somewhat solid fighting system, it's all negated by the horrendous in-game camera, which was quite possibly devised by Satan himself. Yes, it's that bad.

None of that, however, prevented me from drawing this picture. Perhaps it should have.

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Last Updated: May 3, 2011 -- New "Gamespite" drawings (well, one is older that I just found)
January 20, 2011 -- New Fanart CG, new "Gamespite" drawing
January 13, 2011 -- New "Gamespite" stuff
February 10, 2010 -- New "Gamespite" request drawing
January 8, 2010 -- New "Gamespite" request drawing