
Drawn with pencil, inked and colored in Painter

As I was scanning this in and what not, I happened to notice that I pretty much took the summer months off in 2005, too. Of course, that break had more to do with me getting a PlayStation 2 than anything else. This year I just lost interest in drawing -- I had gone over an entire month without picking up a pencil before I sketched this out. Having said that, I don't think this is too shabby -- the sketch was completed in five minutes, and the (admittedly simple) CG work took less than half a day. Interestingly enough, one of the first things I ended up drawing after my break last summer was this -- I guess I have a thing for strange, cloaked people.

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Last Updated: May 3, 2011 -- New "Gamespite" drawings (well, one is older that I just found)
January 20, 2011 -- New Fanart CG, new "Gamespite" drawing
January 13, 2011 -- New "Gamespite" stuff
February 10, 2010 -- New "Gamespite" request drawing
January 8, 2010 -- New "Gamespite" request drawing