Hi Hi PUFFY English
Published February 20, 2006
Published by J-Wave
An interesting book, published in cojunction with Puffy's radio show that was broadcast on the J-Wave station in 2006; there was a blog, too, which is still up somewhere. The book itself - as you may have gleaned from the title - is actually an English phrasebook, and doesn't really have anything to do with Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi. There are seven chapters in all, starting with "Sunday" and working up to "Saturday." Each lesson page has four phrases; on the left-hand page is the phrase written in Japanese, while the right-hand page has the phrase in English (with katakana for pronunciation help) and a sample sentence that uses each phrase. At the end of each chapter is a further mini-lesson on some particular aspect of speaking English, such as explaining what "PDA/Public Display of Affection" means, or how to add "-aholic" to the end of words to signify an unhealthy obsession with something.
There are also a couple of interviews with Ami and Yumi at various points in the book, discussing such things as problems with speaking English compared to Japanese, and the like.
YesAsia has the book for around $15.
Book Cover (Click for larger version):
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