Tour! Puffy! Tour!
Live Video / Stereo
Epic ESVU 478 (VHS)
Epic ESBB 2022 (DVD)
Released September 21, 1997 (VHS)
October 12, 2000 (DVD)
This disc documents Puffy's first live tour, in support of amiyumi. As such (and because they were just getting started), six of that album's seven songs are presented here (with "Sakura Saku" being the lone exception). On top of that, Puffy's (then) most recent singles - "Circuit no Musume," "Nagisa ni Matsuwaru EtCetera" and "Kore ga Watashi no Ikirumichi" are also included. But because a nine song set list would still probably be too short, a couple of other Tamio Okuda songs are also added: "Shopping" (originally written and recorded by Tamio Okuda and Yosui Inoue) and "Subarashii Hibi" (originally recorded by Unicorn).
As it is, the disc is still short, and is padded out with lots of backstage and documentary footage (a trend utilized on all future Puffy live DVD releases). This backstage footage really shows the viewer the comraderie that Ami and Yumi share, with plenty of moments of laughter and general goofing off. Additionally, Tamio Okuda makes an appearance on the disc, first showing up to sing his lines from "Puffy no Hey! Mountain," and again later on backstage after the concert ends.
It's really interesting to watch this disc now, a good 10 years after it was first released. Ami and Yumi don't move around too much (except when they're dancing their routines), and seem slightly unsure of themselves in spots. Despite that, they sing very well, and the songs themselves sound very similar to their album counterparts.
The DVD is out of print.
Track Listing
- Toku Suru Karada
- Simple
- Nagisa ni Matsuwaru EtCetera
- Nagaiki Shitene
- Usagi Channel
- Shopping
- Puffy no Hey! Mountain
- Circuit no Musume
- Asia no Junshin
- Kore ga Watashi no Ikirumichi
- Subarashii Hibi
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