Jet Video/Jet DVD
Music Clip Collection / Stereo
Epic ESVU 491 (VHS)
Epic ESBB 2023 (DVD)
Released June 10, 1998 (VHS)
October 12, 2000 (DVD)
All Songs Produced by Tamio Okuda (except "Honey" produced by Andy Sturmer, and "V·A·C·A·T·I·O·N" produced by Tetsutaro Sakurai)
A disc of music videos of songs from both Jet CD and solosolo. There are eight videos (presented in chronological order of single release, which is why the two solososlo songs are sandwiched in the middle), around which there are vignettes of Ami and Yumi goofing off while traveling through space in a space shuttle - a space shuttle with two telephones, a TV set, a sofa, a record player...and a brick wall lining the cabin.
As for the videos themselves, they're fairly low-budget. Mostly the videos follow a "put Ami and Yumi somewhere and film them lip-synching to the song" plan. That being said, there are a few oddities: most notably, the stop-motion animated dolls in the video for "Mother" and the cheesy chroma-key of Ami and Yumi riding mopeds in the video for "Circuit no Musume."
Additionally, the bits taking place on the shuttle use the non-singles from Jet CD as its soundtrack.
The DVD is out of print.
Track Listing
- Circuit no Musume
- Nagisa ni Matsuwaru EtCetera
- Honey
- V·A·C·A·T·I·O·N
- Mother
- Nehorina Hahorina
- Ai no Shirushi
- Kore ga Watashi no Ikirumichi ('98 Chinese Version)
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