Jet Tour Extra
Documentary Video / Stereo
Epic ESVU 507 (VHS)
Epic ESBB 2025 (DVD)
Released January 21, 1999 (VHS)
October 12, 2000 (DVD)
The companion piece to Jet Tour '98, containing backstage and other behind the scenes footage of Puffy's 1998 tour. Lots of rehearsal footage - including scenes where Ami and Yumi rehearse songs that didn't make it into the show - are combined with scenes of Ami and Yumi traveling from one spot to the next, holding press conferences, and the occasional concert piece - all while Ami and Yumi display the close frienship they are so noted for at every turn.
This disc isn't essential by any means, but it's fun to have a detailed look behind the scenes, instead of the snippets you get on other live Puffy DVDs. As an added bonus, it's slightly cheaper to order than other Puffy DVDs, though that's because the program isn't very long.
The DVD is out of print.
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