Jet Tour '98
Live Video / Stereo
Epic ESVU 509 (VHS)
Epic ESBB 2024 (DVD)
Released December 2, 1998 (VHS)
October 12, 2000 (DVD)
Puffy's second live DVD, and probably the only place you're going to hear songs like "Cake Is Love" and "Haru no Asa" in a live setting. The disc is fairly straightforward - unlike Tour! Puffy! Tour! or any live Puffy disc that was released after this, the documentary/backstage footage here was relegated to a separate disc (Jet Tour Extra). Regardless, the show is still quite entertaining, and Puffy in the band are in good form.
The DVD is out of print.
Track Listing
- Jet Keisatsu
- Kore ga Watashi no Ikirumichi
- Nehorina Hahorina
- Cake Is Love
- Circuit no Musume
- Talalan
- Honey
- Haru no Asa
- V·A·C·A·T·I·O·N
- Puffy no Tourmen
- De Rio
- Ai no Shirsuhi
- Nagisa ni Matsuwaru EtCetera
- Kobijin
- Asia no Junshin
- Mother
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